Friday, August 5, 2016

Fun Friday

It is Fun Friday!  We had some exciting things happening in class.  In reading we did some buddy reading and in math we started Poster Math.  Check out our pictures!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!

I am very excited to start our new school year in D22.  We have such a fun year planned.  These first few days will be filled with getting to know you activities and lots of review of our procedures.  On Monday next week, we will hit the ground running with curriculum. 
One thing I like to discuss with my students at the beginning of the year is a sense of classroom family.  Treating each other fairly and kindly is very important to me.  I will sit the students down and explain to them, "When you walked into our classroom, you became part of a very important group.  You are now 'Kimmel Kids.' You see, Kimmel Kids are some of the best kids out there.  They have the best manners and are so very smart.  You can ask some of my other Kimmel Kids from previous years and they will tell you how special our family is.  So this means that when you are in class, the hallways, lunch, specials, recess, and outside FKE you have a duty.  Other kids will look up to you so you have to show them how to do your best, be caring, be helpful, and stand up for those around you.  This will be such a wonderful year because we will do it together.  No matter where you are or what you are doing you are a Kimmel Kid and being the best is what we do!"  The kids usually get very excited as it makes them feel very special and empowered.  I will refer to them often as Kimmel Kids and hope that they continue to take pride in everything they do.  I am honored to be their teacher this year.  I am hoping to have some pictures to post as we get this first week or two under our belts. We are certainly, "On the Track to Success!"

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Field Day Fun

We had a blast at Field Day!  Here are some of the pictures we took: