Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mary Todd Lincoln

We had a guest reader today!  The wife of former president Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd, came to teach us about the time period and also read us a book.  It was a great lesson!  I even learned a few new things about our 16th president! 

Expanding Expression Toolkit (EET)

Last week our speech therapist met with us to discuss a new tool.  They introduced the Expanding
Expression Toolkit to us (  It is a very useful process to help students with their language, vocabulary and writing!  Today I introduced it to the students.  I have a large model of it hanging from our ceiling, but we will use stickers and smaller examples in the future.  Hopefully over spring break I can work on making little key chains for the students to have at their desks. 
Each ball/lantern represents a different step in language expression. This poster explains each of them.
I started by asking them to write about an apple.  This is what their baseline was (before introducing the process).

Then after going over the EET we described the apple again.  This was the result!

I think this will be incredibly helpful for all students but especially those students that have difficulty adding details.  

Where is Mrs. Kimmel?

I realize it has been quite a while since I have been able to post!  You must be wondering where I have been!  I plan to catch up over the next several days.  I am very sorry.  I will post Valentine's Day pictures and other activities.  Stay tuned!