Monday, August 24, 2015

Poster Math

Poster math is a fun approach to learning math.  The idea is that students will first work independently and then as a group to solve a problem.  They are first given a difficult/multi-step problem to work on.  Then they are put in teams.  Each student takes turns sharing how they got their answer.  It is amazing to see the light bulbs when a student sees a new way to solve the same problem.  I love how it exposes them to different ways of thinking and helps them build those key problem solving skills.  After discussing the possible solutions they will decide on what they think is the best way and make a poster showing/explaining their thinking.  Either I will pick or the group will nominate a 'scout' for their team.  The scout will go out and see what the other groups did on their posters.  This gives them further information on how to work the problem and show their thinking.  The scout may then report back to the group and help put the finishing touches on their poster.  At the end of our time we make a circle with all of our groups and our posters.  Each group takes turns explaining and their final project is normally hung in the hallway.  This process teaches them so much more beyond math.  They must work as a team.  It fosters good communication skills, kindness, and explaining their thinking.  I look forward to poster math every other week! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining this, I always wondered what Poster Math was all about. Sounds like a great concept!
