Wednesday, October 28, 2015

More of Telling Time

Today we revealed the minutes on a clock.  We talked about how difficult it would be to read a clock if it had both the minutes and hours written on it.  So, as 'telling time detectives' we would need to memorize which minutes go where.  To do this we went back to the original lesson about the clock being a timeline bent in a circle.  We unfolded the hours and showed the hidden minutes.  They noticed the numbers counted by 5's. 

Then we made our student clock again.  This time Jude was our perfectly-short hour hand and Eden was our beautifully-tall minute hand.  The white boards had all our minutes written on them so we could focus on just the minutes.
The last step was to take the original boards with the hour numbers written on them and cover up our minutes.  To scaffold their learning I would have them decide which board to "lift" and reveal the minutes (whichever board Eden, our minute hand, was pointing to).  By the end of the lesson we were independently telling time.  We will need to continue to practice this, but they seemed to catch on quickly.  I plan to pass out personal clock manipulatives for them to practice with during our next several lessons. 

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