Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Around the World continued

It has been a REALLY busy week.  I have not done a good job of taking pictures of our adventures and I apologize.  I wanted to still let you know about the places we 'visited' and the fun things we learned about.
On Tuesday we 'traveled' to France.  We practiced the tradition of leaving a shoe out and Pere Noel came and delivered treat bags in all of their shoes!  We also enjoyed a yule log while working on or scrapbook page.  That same afternoon we learned about Italy, which has many of the same traditions.
Then the GRINCH showed up to read to us.  The Grinch made me hold the book and yelled at me for not turning the pages fast enough.  The kiddos got a kick out of that. 
Wednesday we set off for Sweden.  While in Sweden we learned about St. Lucia and how the oldest girl in the family would dress in white with an advent wreath on her head.  She would bring buns and coffee to her family.  I had a student come around and pass out mini cinnamon rolls to the students while they worked on their page. 
Today we went to Germany.  We talked about how the tradition of the Christmas tree originated here.  They would put candles on it at first, which sounded like a rather dangerous idea.  We also discussed the advent calendars (which we have in the classroom.  The students have gotten a little treat everyday from me), Christmas markets, and gingerbread.  While working on their page today I passed out gingersnap cookies for them to taste. 
Our last stop tomorrow will be back home in the United States of America.  I will spend the morning discussing some of our own traditions.  Then we will read the Polar Express, a tradition of my mom and I's.  After that, I have some activities for them and we will hopefully be able to put in the movie leading up to our party.
I have truly enjoyed celebrating the season with the students. Thank you for allowing me to have such a great time 'traveling' with them.  I taught this material in addition to our regular curriculum so I know the days were very busy and exhausting for them.  The sweet treats may have wound them up a little as well. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!   

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