Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hershey Bar Fractions

Well today I continued to teach the kiddos about fractions.  I had a very difficult time with fractions as a student so now that I am a teacher I will always teach them with CHOCOLATE!  I read them the Hershey Bar Fraction book and then they each got a snack-size Hershey bar to practice fractions with.  We had fun separating them into different combinations and then after identifying the correct fraction they were able to eat them.  I sent home a similar worksheet for a full size bar in case any of them wanted to do it again at home.  They do not have to return it.  It is just if they want to try it again. 
I was a terrible teacher and didn't take any pictures of them eating the fractions... I did notice that our elf Winter stole one though, so I took her picture.  She also wrote the students a little note on the board before relaxing in our marble treasure chest. 

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