Monday, September 28, 2015

Firefighters Visit FKE

Today, the firefighters came to visit our 2nd grade classes. We spent a few minutes going over some good things to remember during a fire and then we went outside to see the fire truck. Some of the important things they talked about included:
1. Make sure your smoke detectors have working batteries in them.
2. Have an escape plan for if your house was to catch on fire. (practice this plan!)
3. Have a meeting place outside that everyone knows to go to.
4. Make sure your student knows their phone number and address to let emergency officials know.
Here are some pictures from this afternoon:
Chief Allen, Firefighter Josh, and Firefighter Nate came to talk to us!

Firefighter Nate had a lot of clothes to put on.  There is no skin visible when he is completely dressed.

They put on all their gear and explained to not be afraid if you were to see someone dressed like this during a fire.
They have bright lights on their helmet so they can see.  You should crawl toward them in a fire so they may help you.

After talking about all the tools on a truck the students were able to walk through the truck! 

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