Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Footprints for Life

Footprints for Life is a program we do in all 2nd grade classes at FKE. However, due to the timing of the program, all classes won't participate at the same time. It is a six-week classroom-based prevention program.  The program is research-based, evidence-based and designed to build developmental assets.  They focus on the social competencies, and teach skills through the use of puppets and stories that feature "real life" situations.  The goal is to help young children build a strong foundation of life skills rooted in key social competencies. Ms. Hardy comes to our classroom once a week to talk about planning and decision-making, interpersonal skills, peaceful conflict resolution, cultural competence, and dealing with peer pressure specifically around substance use/abuse.
After the puppet show the students work through current situations in a classroom journal and a letter is sent home with details of that days' lesson. I encourage you to continue the conversation at home. 
Last week we worked on I Messages.  These are so helpful during our day when conflicts come up. I tell them to use an 'I message' when someone upsets them instead of coming to tattle.  This week we covered the solution stoplight. We learned what a lose-lose, win-lose, and win-win solution is. There are several strategies they were given to help them calm down before addressing the problem and the person that has upset them.

Today's puppet show

Our puppets take a bow!

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