Thursday, September 3, 2015

Monster of a Book Fair

The book fair is coming soon!  Our class will go during our Library time, 12:35-1:15, on Monday September 14th.   I am sending home flyers this week with special instructions about a coin drive we will do next week.  There is a slight change with the schedule though.  Since we are doing the coin drive during a short week (no school on Monday for Labor Day) the coins collected on each day are different.
Tuesday- Pennies
Wednesday- Nickels
Thursday- Dimes
Friday- Quarters
Monday- Any denomination
The top 3 classes will win a pizza party! 
In the past this money has gone to help build libraries for other students/schools in need.  It is an easy way to help out with that spare change laying around the house.  Thank you for all of your help and support!
I will post later to reflect our classroom totals and celebrations.

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